A life settlement can turn your dreams into reality.

Cash in your life insurance policy.

90% of individuals who surrender or lapse their life insurance policies are unaware that a better option exists

Expertise in Life Settlements

Lonnie Moss has over 40 years of experience in the life insurance industry and 20 years specifically in life settlements.

Client-Centric Approach

Lonnie is dedicated to finding smart, creative solutions to financial challenges, ensuring that his clients receive comprehensive and strategic advice tailored to their unique needs.

Proven Track Record

Lonnie has a proven performance record, evidenced by numerous testimonials from satisfied clients who have benefited from his services.

Moss Financial Services

A life settlement can turn your dreams into reality.

At Moss Financial Services, we believe in finding smart, creative solutions to financial challenges, and we’re here to help you navigate the world of life settlements—an opportunity that can turn your life insurance policy into a valuable asset that you can use now.

Contact us here or call 908-477-5417 to speak with expert Lonnie Moss.

Years Experienced
0 +

Several factors determine if your life insurance policy qualifies for a life settlement.

General Criteria

While policies vary, here are some general criteria that buyers typically look for when evaluating a policy for a life settlement:

Age of the Insured

The insured’s age is an essential factor. Typically, policies for insured individuals who are 65 years or older are more likely to qualify for a life settlement. The older the insured, the more valuable the policy may be to potential buyers.

Health of the Insured

The insured’s health condition plays a significant role in determining eligibility. Life settlement companies assess life expectancy to gauge the potential investment return. Individuals with shorter life expectancies may receive higher offers.

Policy Face Value

Life settlements are usually more attractive for policies with higher face values, as they offer greater potential returns for investors. Policies with face values of $100,000 or more are often more appealing in the life settlement market.

Premium Costs

Policies with expensive ongoing premiums may be more appealing for a life settlement, especially if the policyholder is finding it challenging to keep up with the payments.

Life Settlements Featured On:

Selling your life insurance policy:

Essential Steps


Discover ample resources below to assess eligibility and decide on your suitability for a life settlement.


Here’s what his clients have to say!

These are the personal views of a select group of Mr. Moss’ clients.
The opinions are not necessarily indicative of future performance or results.

Learn How To Sell Your Unwanted Life Insurance Policy For Cash

Please complete the form below to get your Free Guide and take the next step toward selling your policy. Your policy must have a benefit amount of $100,000 or more to qualify.

You can get a cash payout from your policy if it no longer serves a purpose for you. Complete the form below to get your Free Guide instantly and learn more, or call 908-477-5417 to speak with an expert.


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